Friday, October 24, 2008

New purchases!

I'm listening to the last book-on-tape I bought during my during last shopping spree - A Thousand Splendid Suns. This week I was @ a mid-career retirement planning class and the guys recommended several books, so I decided to check again and I hit the jackpot! Here's what I bought:

All on audio - some cassettes and some CD's. With shipping - $83.25!!! How do you like THAT?

I am so excited. Can't wait for the Sena Jeter Naslund book - I love her writing. Her first book - Ahab's Wife - is in my top 10 of all time. The Time Traveler's Wife and The Joy Luck Club have been on my to-read list for awhile. I can't wait for the Top Poems and I'm happy to get the audio of this one. I think I'll get a different sort of perspective hearing them read aloud. The investing books are the ones that were recommended in my class.
Consider the Lobster is one by David Foster Wallace who is another of my favorite authors. You Suck is by Christopher Moore, who writes really funny sort-of-science fiction. Sort of Douglas Adams-y. If you haven't read him, I recommend Fluke. It's a hoot.
The Invisible Man and The Sun also Rises are two of those classics that I just never picked up and read, and the last two books satisfy my long-time curiosity the criminally insane. Remember in the 5th grade when I wanted to be an FBI agent? Or my freshmen year of college when I majored in psychology for that couple of months?

These books should last me awhile and make my drives back and forth to New Orleans a little more tolerable.

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