Sunday, August 16, 2009

End of Day #2

So now we are hanging out in the cabin under the ceiling fans reading. I'm reading Lamb, by Christopher Moore, and Jason's reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. It's hot, but tolerable.

Earlier I went up to the parking lot to see if I could get an internet signal, and I saw a girl walking around in front of the hotel entrance with headphones, a big sound collector thingy, and some other cool equipment. Of course I couldn't resist asking what she was doing.

She was recording insect calls, and she let me wear the headphones and wield the sound collector thingy. It was amazing what I could hear! She's working on her Ph.D, and they are collecting and comparing insect calls to try to determine what is random and what is call-and-answer. Sounded pretty neat-o!

Other random tid-bits from the day.....the housekeeper was out around the cabins when we came back from the tour and took the dogs out for a walk, and she looked at Greta and said "that's the oddest looking dog I've ever seen." Poor Poo.

Some of the people in other cabins had already met Greta and Schaffer and made comments about her size and such. She tends to garner attention. Jason and I rode into town for some Mexican food for dinner and when we came back, some of the people from the other cabins were hanging around outside. As soon as I beeped the car alarm, Greta started WIGGING OUT in the cabin (barking like a lunatic) and we said OMG I hope she wasn't doing that the whole time we were gone, and one of the guys who had been amazed by her laughed and said "Nah - but while yall were gone she jumped out the window, ran into the woods, took down a deer, and has it all grilled up waiting for yall."...

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