Sunday, May 8, 2011

April Showers bring May Flowers...

Struggling with some depression. Too-much-travel-missing-my-husband -insanely? Lack of vitamin D? Needing more time to actually get settled in my new surroundings?  Probably a little of all of it.  I generally get this way when I travel too much.  I've been out of town 4 of the last 5 weeks, and I have at LEAST four more in a row coming up.  It always makes me blue.  I just have to keep telling myself it's not always like this.  It's temporary.  And yes, I still believe this move was worth it. 

So I've been making sure that I keep my (strained, burning, blurry) eyes open for things that make me happy. Things that make me appreciate the world. Like....

The first pepper in my garden.

Spring eggs..

Perfect little nests.

Hungry little mouths 

Plants that = math.

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