Saturday, March 2, 2013

Ponytails and Spoonches

She stayed bald or nearly bald for SO LONG.  Around fall of last year, her hair was finally long enough for a real pony tail.  I was so excited the first time I saw it up, I took about a million pics.

And I realize now that I'm feeling more blog-y that I have SO much to update on her.  Look how big she is!  Almost 3 now!

She LOVES books, and bandaids (which she calls stickers), and on this particular day, she thought a spoon was called a SPOONCH, and of course I thought that was the funniest thing I ever heard in my life.

Excuse the video quality, but you can clearly hear her say it.  With extra emphasis on the "spoonCCCCHHHH" because I had already asked her what a spoon was about 400 times.

P.S. This was Gillian's #219

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