Friday, August 15, 2014

This is the Shape of the Hole in my Heart

Today, we lost our girl. One day shy of her 15th birthday. One day, this hole in my heart will be filled with love and memories and funny stories, but today it is just empty. Don't worry, my sweet Greta. We will see you again. In the meantime, go find Schaffer and Bella and Grandpa Don and herd them up. Make sure they aren't having too much fun, and give them a stern talking to. Snuggle them for us, and make sure they give you dinner on time and understand that elevens'es is the most important nap of the day. We love you so much.


schnauzerlover said...

Oh, my heart goes out to you. I have no words to properly convey how I feel reading this. :'(
Greta, please tell Luna and Bentley when you see them that I love them more than words can say! We will all see you again one day!

Anonymous said...

Lost my giant yesterday. He was almost 12. It was heartbreaking. I feel for you.

Unknown said...

Giants leave such giant size holes, we are so sad for you. Hugs from both of us.

Becki said...

So sorry, Sonya. My heart and love are with you!

Just Funny Enough said...

Sorry about Greta. It is difficult.

Unknown said...

My condolences on your loss. I know how special she was to you.

Spickens said...

Thanks everyone! I really appreciate your kind words.