Monday, December 12, 2016

Brain Dump Part II

More random stuff from this past 15 months:

Here is the start of a post I meant to write, and never got finished with.  I have zero recollection of this dream!!!

"Last night I dreamed we had 16 giant rescues, some came to us packaged in little boxes about the size of a bar of soap. When you opened the box it unfolded itself very slowly and expanded into a dog about the size of a 6 month old puppy.  And it would be very, very thirsty. We had found homes for 6 of the rescues so far."

Made more advent boxes - these were for my Temporary Kids

Went to Niece 1 and Niece 2's Christmas programs (2015)

Bought some art

Made some art out of shaving cream

Made new friends

Ate figs off my tree

Made an EnMasse Journal - there is a video on the YouTube!

Lost, then found, then put a GPS locator in my brain (aka my planner)


Ed Beil said...
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Ed Beil said...

#yourthebest #sonyagraphs #spickens #sonyaforprez