Sunday, January 29, 2012

One Little Word

This year is going to be all about improving and learning for me.  I am tired of being tired, sad, unmotivated, and hermit-ish.  And I know only I can lift myself out of it.  What motivates me most?  Learning.  Gardening.  Crafting.  Taking photos. So I'm going to learn how to do all of those things better. 

And out of the blue (serendipity), a couple of weekends ago, my friend Christy told me about this website:

Classes about scrapbooking, photography, and life.  I'm STOKED!!!!! 

Christy has taken a bunch of their classes, but she told me about one that particularly peaked my interest.  It's called:

This is exactly the class I needed for the beginning of the year. (And yes, I DO believe that people and things are put in your path for a reason.)  The 411 on the class is that you think of one word that speaks to what you want to think about and do and be for the next year.  You will be with the same word all year.  And honestly, coming up with mine was super easy.  It came to me while Christy was telling me about the class. 


It's exactly what I want to do with myself this year.  So here's my first completed assignment: to define my word and what my word means to me. The assignments are great, they give you very specific instructions about supplies, what to use, what to put where, etc.  Another sign of serendipity?  I bought a pack of these divided page protectors last year not having a clue how I would use them, but I just knew I needed them.

I'm really hopeful that this will give me the motivation to get myself to a better place by the end of the year.

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